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14 year old world renowned company (over $1 billion in sales) is now
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It is a prelaunch .. only limited positions available... Hurry soon and lock your positions.

Join in a big team, chennai leader is calling you.. Mr. Ken Stewart - India's Vemma leader has personally recommended to join in the below team.

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Join the India expansion team of 2 U.S. MLM legends (over 500,000
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Over 2,500 people have signed up in the first few weeks during pre-launch!

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is that opportunity, that one moment in time where you can take
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dreamed of earning, to achieve the success you've always desired,
all for doing 2 simple things:

  1. Go to:

    Take one minute to fill out the form to secure the next highest position available in one of my two teams!

  2. Once you have filled out the form and been issued a website of your own, log in at with the user name and password you picked and click on Tell A Friend.

and paste that email and send it to every person you know, especially
someone who is a M.L.M leader or who has M.L.M experience.

Once you have secured the next available top position in one of my 2 teams,

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